Aquino administration's promise tracker. Check it out!:
Can't help but notice the inconsistency of "Promise 26: Improve science and mathematics education" and the news that DepEd is "removing science subjects for the first two years of grade school". In DepEd's defense, they maintain that science will be 'integrated' in other subjects like reading and that science "hasn't been taught as a separate subject in grades 1-2 since 1983" anyway. However, in defense of say, future scientists, doctors, nurses and engineering graduates that come from public schools; wouldn't it best if they learned science at an earlier age? Didn't we just revamp our K-10 to a new K-12 system--so more room to reinstate science in primary-edu., right? And aren't the public schools funded with tax money anyway? Note that increasingly more jobs point toward the STEM path; and I think our current remittance-based economy will head towards a STEM economy, so how can we prepare for the future demands of our economy? One way is education, duh. If we want to maintain or speed up economic progress (and improve credit rating), we better continue to produce capable graduates, and jobs for them IN the country. And although not all will be science-based graduates, I certainly do not want filipino children and my future kids to have an educational path that cuts corners! Concerned lang for these kids. It will be interesting to follow how these two governmental entities align with that promise.
Article about Deped dropping science:–not-drop–science
What are other countries doing? US apparently not teaching enough science in elementary schools too.
Why science is important:
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