Friday, October 26, 2012

I am a Photographer by K.K.

I'm a photographer. I see, sometimes, some of the most beautiful yet transitory moments - things that transpire only but for a glimpse and never to be seen and felt again.
So there has always been this innate desire to express, be heard and call upon others to share and behold such moments with me.
But there are certain things in life that I just cannot capture or convey.
One of sadness, for instance, is apparent with a frown or a tear, but behind it could be tumultuous, raging storms -- due to loss, betrayal, desperation -- which can neither be revealed, understood, nor determined if glossed by a mere photograph. Pictures present the verisimilitude of a moment, but understate the meaning and distort the genuine root of the undertaking -- for feelings cannot be seen, and therefore can only be captured in ways other than photography.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words. It's reverse is true, so I write on.
Whatever I can't capture with a machine, I attempt to capture in pen and paper.


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